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Children With ADHD Have Alternative Therapies That Work

Attention deficit disorder is a chronic condition that affects millions of children everyday. While there is a wide range of treatments options, alternative therapies are becoming more and more popular.


What is attention deficit disorder?


This disorder, also known as ADHD, is a condition that is marked by a person's inability to concentrate on tasks and stay focused. The condition affects males far more than females and symptoms may be seen in children as early as 3. Children are often very hyperactive and inattentive.


What symptoms are most often seen with ADHD?


  • Trouble staying focused on tasks or at play


  • Not listening even when directly spoken to


  • Difficulty following instructions


  • Easily distracted


  • Often lose items needed to help complete school tasks (pencils, pens, paper, erasers)


  • Have trouble staying organized



While Ritalin and Adderol have been the main medications used to treat ADHD, these medications come with a number of side effects. Doctors are now open to proven alternative treatments to help control the symptoms of ADHD.


Alternative treatment methods for ADHD


Popular alternative therapies for ADHD are believed to produce more consistent results than prescription medications.



  • Correction irregular sleep cycles - this provides a calming effect in children. Ten hours of uninterrupted sleep helps ADHD sufferers relax


  • Keep insulin stable - This means doing what you can to control the child's diet. Doing what you can in decreasing the sugar that makes the kid wired and adding more protein can do wonders


  • Correct nutritional deficiencies - Add more vitamins like B and up the amino acids


  • Exercise - Get your kid involved in exercise. Ten minutes of exercise will boost the serotonin levels in ADHD sufferers. Looking for an effective solution to deal with ADHD? Why don't you try cbd? It has been proven to have helped in dealing with ADHD.

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